Isnin, 6 Oktober 2014


Future? I’m sure that everyone has plan on their future. So, it same goes to me yeeaww. Hmm. What will I be in the next five years yaaa? Maybe on that time  saya dah kahwin KOT. Hehehe. Soalan “ Dah besar nanti nak jadi apa ye?” is too common. Since we’re kids until now, orang akan tanya soalan tu. rite? Pernah dulu cita-cita nak jadi nurse, polis laaa. Hahaha. Tapi time dah besar, bila fikirkan balik rasa kelakar pulak. huhu...

In Shaa Allah, i will finish my study in Bachelor Business And Administration (hons) Islamic Banking by 2016. Then, i will find a job with a high salary of course. Ni bukan meteralistik ke apa, but this is our needed due to our kos sara hidup yang makin meningkat. Every single thing sekarang ni kena bayar. So, kalau gaji ciput, acanner nak survive. Ye dak. Lepas dah pegang duit bebanyak tu, haaa now I can buy a nice car and a big house :D If ada extra money,  I can use it for an investment in the property or others.

Nowadays, ramai yang involve business online to get extra income. So, I am also interested to involve in it too coz this business boleh buat dari rumah je. It just a part time job actually :D With that I can gain more money and afford me to bring my parents to perform Hajj. I’m also nak bawak my whole family bercuti. In Shaa Allah...

Okey, now I want to write about how I manage my free time. Usually, during my free time, I will complete my assignments and tasks given by the lecturers. I’m always do revision on subject that I had learnt in class. Besides, i’m not a typical who loves study last minute. To me, study last minute ni serabut. Huhu. Ye la, semua nya nak ingat time tu. At last, apa pun tak dapat. So, better la study awal-awal kan? 

Hmm.. I think that all for today. Daaaaaa ^_^

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